Monday, June 4, 2012

Birthday Weekend Results

Epic Fail!  That is the best way to describe my accomplishments over the  birthday weekend.  As you know, I had made this nice little plan on how to survive the weekend, without recking my diet. 

I got the sense that things are not going to go too well, when I deviated from the plan within a few hours after I had come up with it.  How miserably did I fail this weekend?  See for yourself.

Friday:  The plan was...
Workout - I plan workout when I get home, for an hour.  Only cardio, no weights.
Dinner - Either a protein shake or juice.
Blog - Its going to be pretty late by the time I'm done.  So I might not be able to make
it.  We'll see.

Results achieved - You can read that story here.

Saturday:  The plan was...
Workout - I want to workout first thing in the morning.
Breakfast - Cardboard cereal (aka Fiber Now) and a cup of coffee.
Lunch - Birthday part with friends.  I'm not sure what the menu is going to be.  I'll just
have to make sure I count each bite and keep track of everything I eat.
Dinner - Same as above.
Blog - It'll be another long day.  I don't even know if we'll be home before midnight.  No

Results achieved - Nothing.  That pretty much sums up my achievements for the day.  Here is the breakdown...

Workout and Breakfast - I learned that the birthday part was actually in the morning and not at lunch.  So the workout and breakfast went out the window.  There was too much good food (aka junk that I can't resist) at the party.  Fried chicken, cookies, chips, and 3 different cakes, along with a bunch of other stuff.  I decided that instead of suffering through it, I'll just make this my cheat meal for the week.  Once I made that decision, any self control I had went out the window.  I didn't binge or anything, but I did eat almost a 1500 calories of food that morning.  Ouch! 
Lunch - I was really full from breakfast, so I decided to skip lunch.  We just went to a movie at lunch time and then onto meet up with friends in the evening. 
Dinner - We went bowling first, where they ordered a pizza.  I was hungry since lunch was skipped, but I decided the pizza wasn't worth it and managed to avoid it completely.  After bowling we went to dinner at an Indian Restaurant.  By this point, I was starving.  So I could no longer resist, the bread and curried chicken. 
Blog - We were out late, so the blog got no love that night.

All in all, I ate almost twice my alloted calorie intake on Saturday and did not workout either.  Disaster!

Sunday:  The plan was ....
Workout - I'm going to skip the workout.  I've got house work to do, so that will have to take its place.
Breakfast - Maybe Eggs, or cereal again plus coffee.
Lunch - Something special.  Something the wife wants to do.  Just the two of us.
Dinner - Salad or Juice.
Blog - I'll  be sure to make this happen. Especially if I didn't do it the night before.

Results achieved - Another bad day, though not as bad as the day before.  Here is the breakdown...

Workout and Breakfast - I didn't do any of the house work I had planned.  Since we were out late last night, I was just too tired and lazy to do anything. 
Lunch - I woke up around lunch time.  So we went out for lunch, though this time I stuck with a salad, some bread, and coffee. 
Dinner - Didn't really eat dinner.  I had a mango and called it a night. 
Blog - By Sunday night, I had failed on so many tasks, that I didn't feel bad about adding another one to my list. So the blog post was skipped.   

Not horrible, though not getting the house work done made me feel bad.  To make matters worse, I'll have to do it during the week now and that'll cut in to my workout time. 

That pretty much rounds out the entire week.  A week of highs and lows.  Well, its a new week and I'm ready to get my butt back on the wagon.

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