Thursday, June 7, 2012

T - 84 - Speed of Light

"Time is making fools of us again" ~ J.K. Rowling. 

That is what I feel like now.  Remember how I used to complain about the days being so long and slow.  Well, I'm doing the opposite of that now.  When I started this whole diet and blog process, I felt time had crawled to a stop. The first week was the worst. Everyday felt like an eternity. Having to plan every single detail of every day was exhausting. I recall every night while typing the blog I had to force myself to stay awake. I was so tired by the end of the day, that I would pass out as soon as I hit the bed.

Now that I'm in a routine though, I feel like I'm in warp speed. I blink and a day has gone by. Holy cow! Just when you get used to the pace, time plays tricks on us and speeds up.  I've definitely got more energy throughout the day. For example, yesterday I need to burn of some energy while at work, so I decided to go up and down 10 flights of stairs during lunch. It was a nice quick little workout. I don't feel as lazy as usually, but I've still got a long way to go.  Working out in the evening still seems like a tedious task, but its not as daunting as it used to be.

 In the beginning I wanted time to fly by, but now I'm afraid its going by too fast. I'm afraid, because I didn't lose much weight last week.   Everyday that goes by where I didn't make progress feels like a wasted day. I'm going to be freaking out if I don't lose 2.5lbs as I had planned this week.

Here is the update for Jun 6th 2012:

1. Wake up early - I woke up early enough to eat breakfast at home for a change, but I think I can do better. - 0.5 point.
2. Eat breakfast - Vegetable wrap - 1 point
3. Eat healthy snacks - Progresso Lite Santa Fe Chicken Soup. - 1 point
4. Drink more water - Done. - 1 point.
5. Spend 1 hour everyday being active - Lifted weights, since I hadn't done that in a while  - 1 point.
6. Eat a healthy dinner - Protein shake - 1 point.
7. Watch less TV and sleep early - Watched a little more than 2 hours. Doing better, but not quite there yet, so I'm going to give myself half the points for this - 1 point.
8. Plan my day/week - Created meal plan. - 1 point.
9. Blog everyday - Done - 1 point.

Total score: 8.5/10 points - 85%.  My best score yet!

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