Saturday, June 9, 2012

T - 82 - Saved by Sashimi

I had a nice little routine planned for yesterday.  Wake up early and have breakfast, get a cup of coffee, have a nice soup and salad for lunch and snack, head to the gym in the evening after work, and meet some friends for dinner and a movie.  Nice, right?  Well, things didn't go quite as well as I had planned it.

I did wake up early as planned, but right after I got out of the shower, I got a call from my wife that her car broke down on her way to work.  That kind of threw a monkey wrench into the routine right from the get go.  No time to eat breakfast.  I just got dressed and went to pick her up.  I had to then drop her off at work, and get her car towed.  All this wouldn't have been a big deal, if I didn't have the coffee headache to go along with it.

You see, if I don't get my coffee by 10AM every morning, I get this headache.  Once, I get it, it won't go away even if I drink coffee later.  Not without some medication.  So there I was stuck in the heat, with a headache waiting for the tow truck.  By the time her car was at the shop and I got back home it was around 11AM.  Since I had to go back in the afternoon to pick up m wife and her car, I called into work, and informed them that I'll be working from home. 

There still was no time to eat anything, since I had to get some work done before lunch time.  I did manage to get some coffee while I was on the way back home from the shop.  That helped me curb my hunger, but not a whole lot.  I logged in from home to catch up on emails, got some work done and then it was time to leave again.  Since the wife didn't have a car, and needed to get lunch, we decided to eat lunch together.  Luckily her work is close to the house, so it didn't take me too long.  However, I was starving by now, so we went to a Mexican restaurant.  I was determined to order something healthy, but those damn chips and salsa ruined me.  I was so hungry, I couldn't stop munching on the chips.  To make matters worse, I had ordered fajitas thinking it would be healthy, and it wasn't.  I could tell the chicken was cooked in pork fat or something, because it was crunchy and had a bit of bacon flavor to it.  Oh well, at least I tried.

As expected, I ate too much at the restaurant and now I was too full.  I came home feeling guilty.  No time to despair though.  It was back to work.  I wanted to workout once the food digested but before it did, it was time to go pick up my wife and her car.  That was another ordeal, because now I was stuck in rush hour traffic all the way.  After all of this, we finally got home around 6:30PM and we were to meet our friends for dinner at 7PM.

Once again, it was time to hurry up and get changed, freshen up a little and go.  The good news was, we were having dinner at a sushi restaurant.  So I knew I had plenty of healthy choices available.  I decided to order the Salmon Sashimi since that was the healthiest option I liked.  I had never had sashimi before, but I like it.  I didn't realize raw salmon tasted so good.  I did sample some of the tempura sushi that my friends had ordered, but it was just a couple.  Nothing to freak out about.

Then off we went to see Prometheus after dinner.  Overall, I was a notch above my allotted calorie intake for the day, but I felt I had redeemed myself at dinner time.  I didn't get to do most of what I had planned for the day, but I have to figure out a way to make up for it.  I'll let you know what I come up with.

I'm not going to spell out each update for Jun 8th 2012 since you read most of it above.  Here is the lowdown:

1. Wake up early - Done - 1 point.
2. Eat breakfast - Fail - 0 points
3. Eat healthy snacks - Fail - 0 points
4. Drink more water - Fail - 0 points
5. Spend 1 hour everyday being active - Fail - 1 point.
6. Eat a healthy dinner - Sashimi - 1 point.
7. Watch less TV and sleep early - Didn't watch any TV, but didn't sleep early since we were out till late night - 1 out of 2 points.
8. Plan my day/week - Fail - 0 points
9. Blog everyday - Done - 1 point.

Total score: 5/10 points - 50%.  My lowest score thus far, yet I don't feel too horrible about it.  The Sashimi saved me.

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