Monday, June 18, 2012

T - 74 - Surviving the Buffet

After a week of going on and off the routine, Saturday was probably the first day where I actually stayed on routine.  Like every other Saturday since I started this diet, Saturday's have been a day of getting things done.  Be it celebrating a birthday, doing house chores, planning my cheat meal or even playing video games, its always been a productive day and this one was no different.

Since I was so busy with work last weekend, I had completely forgotten about my cheat meal.  So I've been looking forward to it this time around.  The plan was to go to The Cheesecake Factory or a buffet at an India restaurant.  That's right.  When I say cheat meal, I mean it.  I really wanted to go to both places.  Get a dessert from the factory and the spicy chicken from the Indian place, but in the end decided to just choose one.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

T - 75 - Finding Balance

What a week.  This week has been probably the busiest I can remember in a long while, and yet at the same time, the least productive since I started the weight loss journey.  Doesn't make sense?  It will in a second.  The busy part, is due to me being overloaded at work and the least productive part, is pretty much everything else.  As I got busier at work, my diet, workouts, the blog and pretty much everything else in my routine has suffered.

I'm not used to dealing with a busy after work schedule, so making sure I get my daily tasks done has been challenging.  I'm finally starting to understand what people mean when they say work life balance.  Until now, I thought it meant, you shouldn't overwork yourself like hog forever.  You should take a vacation every now and then to unwind, etc.  So in the past, I would work a crazy amount of hours week after week.  When it finally came time to take a breath, I'll schedule some vacation time and completely go off grid.  I'm now coming to the realization, that even though I thought I had a good work life balance, I didn't.

Friday, June 15, 2012

T - 76 - The Guilty Parts

If you read my previous post, you know already know that my Thursday was a total blur.  So I'm going to skip the details here and not bore you to death.  Though the day was a blur, I do remember some parts very clearly.  The guilty parts.  I don't know about you, but when I'm on diet, the guilt is amplified.  Eat an extra French fry at lunch, feel guilty for 2 hours.  Go above my calorie amount for the day, starve the rest of the day. Skip a workout, stay up all night feeling guilty.

I'm sure you have an idea by now, how my day went.  I kinda knew that I was off my routine right from the beginning.  First of all, I just could not get out of bed in the morning.  I felt like there was a 500 pound bear sleeping on top of me.  My whole body was so heavy.  No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't move it.  By the time I was up, I was already running late to work.

T - 77 - Confused

Wow, I missed Wednesday's update and didn't even know it.  Yesterday was a total blur.  I had no idea that I missed the daily blog update until it was time to go to bed.  Work has been crazy lately, so unless I set myself reminders to do something, it does not get done.  I usually write the blog post at lunch time, and yesterday I forgot to do that because I didn't have time for lunch.  Anyways, I know its a day late, but hey, better late than never.

Since work was so busy, I didn't get time to make notes of about how the day went.  That means by now (Friday) I'm all confused about what happened Wednesday.  So once again, you'll have to forgive me for the lame quality of this post.  Thankfully, I did enter my meals into My Fitness Pal, so I have some reference.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

T - 78 - The Couch Devil

Yesterday was a pretty good day for me.  After that lazy Sunday and a crazy Monday I had, I was ready to get back to normal.  I started the day off with a bad taste though.  I had that crappy fiber cereal for breakfast.  You know I've been wanting to get more breakfast ideas.  Though I found some good options, most of them require some prep work, and I was really not in the mood to prepare anything.  So cereal was the easiest healthy option available.  I'm planning on doing some prep work for tomorrows breakfast tonight, I'll let you know how that goes.

Once at work, I had my cup of joe and was ready to go.  It was an uneventful day, so that gave me the chance to pretty much do most of what I had on my things to do list.  I got most of the office work done.  I had to make up for missing my update on Sunday, so I posted that and Monday's update yesterday.  So overall I was pretty happy how it had turned out.  I had a healthy breakfast, a salad for lunch, some soup for a snack, drank plenty of water.  I even took the stairs through the day.  I was all geared up and ready to go the gym after work.  When I got out of work, however, the couch devil came out. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

T - 79 - Case of the Mondays

"Someone's got a case of the Mondays".  For those of you who don't know, its from the movie Office Space.  It is a must see movie for those of you who work in a cubicle environment.  I hate Mondays.  They are some how cosmically aligned to be the crappiest day of the week.  As if going back to work after a weekend isn't hard enough, something all goes wrong on Mondays.  Be it a flat tire, spilling coffee on your shirt, work related disasters, they all aim for Mondays. 

I had been working all weekend long trying to get things done, so I won't be swamped when I get in the office on Monday.  Its a good thing I did because, when I came into the office Monday morning, we were having all sorts of issues.  Our entire office network was being affected with god knows what, but anything that could fail, had failed and needed immediate attention.  So I spent all day putting fires out.  I should have know that it wasn't going to be a good day when it started with me spending an hour and half stuck in traffic