Wednesday, June 13, 2012

T - 78 - The Couch Devil

Yesterday was a pretty good day for me.  After that lazy Sunday and a crazy Monday I had, I was ready to get back to normal.  I started the day off with a bad taste though.  I had that crappy fiber cereal for breakfast.  You know I've been wanting to get more breakfast ideas.  Though I found some good options, most of them require some prep work, and I was really not in the mood to prepare anything.  So cereal was the easiest healthy option available.  I'm planning on doing some prep work for tomorrows breakfast tonight, I'll let you know how that goes.

Once at work, I had my cup of joe and was ready to go.  It was an uneventful day, so that gave me the chance to pretty much do most of what I had on my things to do list.  I got most of the office work done.  I had to make up for missing my update on Sunday, so I posted that and Monday's update yesterday.  So overall I was pretty happy how it had turned out.  I had a healthy breakfast, a salad for lunch, some soup for a snack, drank plenty of water.  I even took the stairs through the day.  I was all geared up and ready to go the gym after work.  When I got out of work, however, the couch devil came out. 
Yes, the Couch Devil.  You know the one.  It tries to talk you out of going to gym.  The voice that tells you all the good things you've done so far, and how you've earned the right to just be a couch potato this evening.  Yes, that devil was back.  I think it was the weather that was to blame really.  I was all set to workout until I got out the door from work.  The weather was so nice and breezy.  The trees were rustling and the birds were chirping.  It was like a perfectly timed symphony, orchestrated by the couch devil.  By the time I walked across the parking lot and got the in car, I was under it's spell.  Within a matter of minutes, my energy went from get set go, to get set snooze.  It was amazing. 
Even as I started driving, I was still debating if I should go to gym, or just enjoy the weather and do something nice outside.  Just when I was about to completely fall under the devil's spell, it slipped up and told me that its ok that I haven't been to gym in 4 days.  That was it.  Boom.  That snapped me out of all the excuses.  Remembering that I haven't gone to the gym in 4 days, made me want to get back in gym asap.  If I didn't, then I would have skipped it for 5 days and soon a week and before you know it I've fallen off the wagon and gained 400 pounds.  I couldn't let that happen.  I was determined to not skip my workout.  I didn't care if I didn't have the energy to exercise.  I was going to just sit in the gym for 60 minutes if I had to. 
Obviously once I got changed, my energy eventually returned and couch devil went back to where ever the hell it came from.  So I did my cardio for 35 minutes, and decided to try running on the treadmill again.  In the past it has give me back pain, due to prior back problems.  This time was no different.  I jogged and walked for another 25 minutes and got my hour of exercise done.  .
Here is the update for Tuesday June 13th 2012:
1. Wake up early - Done. - 1 point.
2. Eat breakfast - Fiber cereal - 1 points
3. Eat healthy snacks - Beef Barley Soup - 1 points
4. Drink more water - Done. - 1 points
5. Spend 1 hour everyday being active - Take that couch devil - 1 point.
6. Eat a healthy dinner - Protein shake. - 1 point.
7. Watch less TV and sleep early - Watched 2 hours of TV but slept at 11PM. - 1 points.
8. Plan my day/week - Done - 1 points
9. Blog everyday - Posted Sunday's and Monday's updates - 1 point.
Total score: 9/10 - 90% - Oh yeah! Now that's more like it.

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