Tuesday, June 12, 2012

T - 79 - Case of the Mondays

"Someone's got a case of the Mondays".  For those of you who don't know, its from the movie Office Space.  It is a must see movie for those of you who work in a cubicle environment.  I hate Mondays.  They are some how cosmically aligned to be the crappiest day of the week.  As if going back to work after a weekend isn't hard enough, something all goes wrong on Mondays.  Be it a flat tire, spilling coffee on your shirt, work related disasters, they all aim for Mondays. 

I had been working all weekend long trying to get things done, so I won't be swamped when I get in the office on Monday.  Its a good thing I did because, when I came into the office Monday morning, we were having all sorts of issues.  Our entire office network was being affected with god knows what, but anything that could fail, had failed and needed immediate attention.  So I spent all day putting fires out.  I should have know that it wasn't going to be a good day when it started with me spending an hour and half stuck in traffic

That pretty much sums up the day, really.  It was a day of not stop shit storms.  I managed to get throug it, but in the end, the workout and the dinner plan suffered.  I was just too exhausted by that time to go to the gym, workout for another hour, shower and then go home and etc.  Hence I skipped gym, went home and took the wife out to dinner.  We end up eating sushi again, so I guess it wasn't a total loss.  I was able to stay in the range of my daily calorie limit.  So I'm not too disappointed.

Here is the update for  Monday June 11th 2012:

1. Wake up early - Done. - 1 point.
2. Eat breakfast - Ate veggie stir fry - 1 points
3. Eat healthy snacks - Chicken and Rice Soup - 1 points
4. Drink more water - Didn't have time to breath, let alone remember to drink water. - 0 points
5. Spend 1 hour everyday being active - Got out of work late.  So no workout.  Fail - 0 point.
6. Eat a healthy dinner - Sushi. - 1 point.
7. Watch less TV and sleep early - Watched 2 hours of TV and slept early as well. - 2 points.
8. Plan my day/week - Fail - 0 points
9. Blog everyday - I didn't have time to do it in the afternoon.  I was too tired to blog at night, and wanted to sleep early, so I didn't do it.  Fail - 0 point.

Total score: 6/10 - 60% - I was hoping to do better than yesterday, but failed.  Damn!

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