Sunday, June 17, 2012

T - 75 - Finding Balance

What a week.  This week has been probably the busiest I can remember in a long while, and yet at the same time, the least productive since I started the weight loss journey.  Doesn't make sense?  It will in a second.  The busy part, is due to me being overloaded at work and the least productive part, is pretty much everything else.  As I got busier at work, my diet, workouts, the blog and pretty much everything else in my routine has suffered.

I'm not used to dealing with a busy after work schedule, so making sure I get my daily tasks done has been challenging.  I'm finally starting to understand what people mean when they say work life balance.  Until now, I thought it meant, you shouldn't overwork yourself like hog forever.  You should take a vacation every now and then to unwind, etc.  So in the past, I would work a crazy amount of hours week after week.  When it finally came time to take a breath, I'll schedule some vacation time and completely go off grid.  I'm now coming to the realization, that even though I thought I had a good work life balance, I didn't.

I really need to find a better balance on my day to day life.  Not work a billion hours this month, and take a week off the next.  Not having any responsibilities after work helped me survive those day, but since I now have the responsibility of losing weights, I'll have to find a better balance.  Even if that means, waking up early to workout.  Ok, maybe I'll save that one for last, but I'm really going to have to come up with a better plan.  I'll work on it this week and let you know what I come up with.

In the meantime, you probably noticed that this post is a day late.  Yes, I missed Friday's update and no, I did not work out on Friday either.  Like I said before, it been one of those weeks.  I know I've been slacking off on the routines, but I'll really do plan to make up for it in the coming days.  Its 11:30PM and I need to hit the bed soon if I am to get back on the wagon tomorrow.  So for now I'll have to leave you with just Friday's update.  I'll post Saturday and Sunday's updates tomorrow.

Here is the update for Friday June 15th 2012:

1. Wake up early - Woke up late, again! - 0 point(s).
2. Eat breakfast - Egg white omelet  - 1 point(s)
3. Eat healthy snacks - Chicken and Rice soup. - 1 point(s)
4. Drink more water - Done - 1 point(s)
5. Spend 1 hour everyday being active - The couch devil won, once again - 0 point(s).
6. Eat a healthy dinner - Just had some tea and snacks - 1 point(s).
7. Watch less TV and sleep early - Its Friday night.  You know I don't sleep early in the weekends.  Spent a couple of hours watching the movie Water for Elephants. - 2 point(s).
8. Plan my day/week - Fail - 0 point(s)
9. Blog everyday - Fail - 0 point(s).

Total score: 6/10 - 60% - Not that great, but better than Thursday I guess.

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