Friday, June 8, 2012

T - 83 - Need Cardio Ideas

I'm pretty happy with the new blog schedule.  Posting to my blog in the afternoon, gives me enough time in the evening to get other important things done.  I'm able to get to bed early and wake up early as well, which is probably the biggest plus.  Also, I'm not as exhausted so I can think more clearly, so it doesn't take me as long it used to at night, to write a post.

There is, however, one down side that I had not anticipated.  I don't remember a damn thing that happened yesterday, to write about it today.  While I can think clearly to write up a quick post, I'm having to spend more time remembering what happened yesterday, so I can give you a better breakdown.  This is a problem that needs to be rectified quick.

My plan is to take quick notes throughout the day, about what I want to include in my blog the next day.  Hopefully referring to the notes will jog my memory.  Until then, I'll have to just rely on my apparently awful memory powers.  So you will have to forgive me for half baked updates like the one today.

The main thing I remember from yesterday was the workout.  I was bored with doing the same cardio routine, elliptical for 60 minutes) so I wanted to switch and try something different.  I did 35 minutes on the elliptical, and then switched to rowing.  I didn't like it so much, because I couldn't figure out how to work it to a level that would make me sweat.  I got bored with that in 5 minutes.

Then I switched to the stair climber, and bit off more than I could chew.  The stair climber whopped my butt, or actually my legs.  I was huffing and puffing like never before within 5 minutes.  I have new found respect for those folks that climb for, what feels like hours to me.  All in all, I had a good 45 minutes workout, but I think I still burned enough calories.

Let me know if you have any other ideas for cardio.  Keep in mind, I have back issues, so it needs to be low impact cardio.  That rules out the treadmill, or running out in the pavement or sumo wrestling etc.

Here is the update for Jun 7th 2012:

1. Wake up early - Same as the day before.  I woke up early enough to eat breakfast at home, but I think I can do better. - 0.5 point.
2. Eat breakfast - Had some egg plant curry - 1 point
3. Eat healthy snacks - I had a sausage and black bean soup.  I'm not sure if it can be called healthy, so I'm only give myself half a point but, it did keep from breaking down and going out for dinner. - 0.5 point
4. Drink more water - Done. - 1 point.
5. Spend 1 hour everyday being active - You read about this already - 1 point.
6. Eat a healthy dinner - I just had some fruit and vegetable juice.  It actually tasted better than usual.  Either I'm getting used to taste or I added one too many apples in the juicer. - 1 point.
7. Watch less TV and sleep early - 2 hours of TV, but didn't sleep early. So half point for this as well - 1 point.
8. Plan my day/week - Done. Working on cardio ideas. - 1 point.
9. Blog everyday - Done - 1 point.

Total score: 8/10 points - 80%.  Not bad, right?

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