Tuesday, June 12, 2012

T - 80 - Lazy Sunday

I know, I missed my update for Sunday.  I was super busy with work yesterday that I barely had anytime.  My appolgies for the delay.  Here it is.

Like the title says, it was a lazy Sunday.  That doesn't mean I didn't do anything the whole day.  Its just that I didn't workout.  As you know I had been working mostly over the weekend, and Sunday was no exception.  I woke up early morning and worked all the way through till about 3PM.  I took a break in between to have some coffee, but that was about it.  I was working from home again, so I didn't even realize how fast time flew by.

Since I had been working almost the whole weekend, I decided to skip the workout, get some rest, and enjoy whatever was left of the weekend.  From a diet perspective, I don't feel too bad about skipping the workout though.  That's because I didn't eat breakfast, lunch or dinner.  You may think that I didn't eat because I was so involved in work but that was not the case.  It was a planned decision.  Why?  Because I lost only 1 freaking pound the whole week.  That's right 1lb.  The same as the week before.  I was not a happy camper. 

 So on Sunday I decided not eat any meals the whole day to shock my body into losing weight again.  Now, don't worry.  I know starving only slows down your metabolism, so I didn't starve myself.  I did it because I knew that going super low cal one day wouldn't kill me or hurt me, too much.  Whenever I got hungry, I just ate an apple or some watermelon or almonds, and drink a couple of glasses of water.  It worked though.  By Sunday night I was down another pound.   I know I'm just tricking myself, but that's what I needed to see.  Progress.

It wasn't too hard actually.  The day went by pretty fast, so I didn't even notice it too much.  In fact it was so easy that I'm now thinking of making this a once a week thing.  I've heard that fasting once a week does your body good, so I'm going to give it a shot and see what happens.  The plan is to do this every Sunday.  I haven't been eating all that much on Sundays to begin with anyway.  So this shouldn't be too drastic of  change.  I have some other ideas on how to kick start the weight loss again, and I'll specify them on my next post.  Stay tuned.

Here is the update for  Sunday June 10th 2012:
1. Wake up early - Once woke up early to get my work done.  7:30AM. - 1 point.
2. Eat breakfast - Coffee - 1 points
3. Eat healthy snacks - Nuts - 1 points
4. Drink more water - I had more water than food I think - 1 points
5. Spend 1 hour everyday being active - Fail - 0 point.
6. Eat a healthy dinner - Fruits. - 1 point.
7. Watch less TV and sleep early - Same story as Saturday. Less TV, but late sleep - 1 out of 2 points.
8. Plan my day/week - Fail - 0 points
9. Blog everyday - Done - 1 point.

Total score: 7/10 - 70% - Same score as the day before.  Next week, will be different.  Wait and see.

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