Sunday, June 10, 2012

T - 81 - The Distracted Diet

 I've found the my best method for avoiding cravings.  Distraction.  Its amazing how little cravings you get when you are busy or per-occupied.  Be it doing something fun with your loved ones, playing video games, watching great movies, or in yesterday's case, just plain working.  As you know, my Friday routine was blown to smithereens, and I ended up working from home partially.  I need to work over the weekend to catch up, so that's how I spent most of my day yesterday.  Exciting, I know.

While it wasn't my favorite pass time, work did keep me so busy that I forgot it was my cheat meal day.  Amazing, right?  I mean, the prior weekends, I was looking forward to my cheat meal for the whole week.  I knew where I wanted to cheat.  I knew what I wanted to eat, and I knew exactly how much I was going to eat, and how many calories that would add up to etc.  This week however, I barely even thought about it.  See, I wasn't kidding when I said time is flying by.  I think I'm going to write about it.  The Distracted Diet.  Look for it in a bookstore near you shortly. Haha!

In all seriousness, I don't think I can grant all the credit to work though.  I think work helped me keep my mind off of food, but I believe it was really the fact that I've been eating healthy for the past 3 weeks, that has helped me kick the junk food cravings.  Of course, the exercise is also a factor as well.   I mean I still have cravings when I see a commercial for burgers, fries or some other fried goodness, but it only lasts a few minutes.  Before, I would dream about it for hours.  Now that I know being distracted helps though, I'm going to add that to my list of things to try to avoid cravings.  If I start feeling like attacking a bag of potato chips, I'm going to give myself 5 minutes to try and find something better to do.  The hope is, I forget all about the chips at the end of 5 minutes.

Its amazing, how quickly your body adjusts to your diet.  I just hope I can make this feeling last forever.  Obviously I've still got a long way to go but I'm feeling more confident now.  I think if I can stick with the program, I should be able to reach my goals.  Wish me luck!

Here is the update for  Saturday June 9th 2012:

1. Wake up early - I did wake up early, though it was not by choice.  I had some work to get done.  So I was up before 8AM. - 1 point.
2. Eat breakfast - Tea and some yogurt - 1 points
3. Eat healthy snacks - I was busy with work, so I didn't even remember to snack - 0 points
4. Drink more water - I was thirsty as hell yesterday.  I drank a lot of water - 1 points
5. Spend 1 hour everyday being active - I didn't workout, but I had to mow the lawn, do the edging and trim the trees and bushes.  I think that should cover this. - 1 point.
6. Eat a healthy dinner - I had a good lunch, so I wasn't even hungry for dinner. Skipped. - 1 point.
7. Watch less TV and sleep early - I don't think I should even include this in the weekends anymore.  Who sleeps early in the weekends?  I did watch less TV than usual, since I was working most of the day. - 1 out of 2 points.
8. Plan my day/week - Fail - 0 points
9. Blog everyday - Done - 1 point.

Total score:  7/10 points - 70% - At least I did better than Friday.

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