Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Night Owl No More

I've come to the realization that the task of updating my blog every night is actually one of the reasons I'm staying up late.  I just don't have enough time in the evening to squeeze in a workout, dinner, update the blog, relax for a bit and still go to bed early.  If I am to meet my goal of sleeping early every night, somethings gotta give.  Don't worry, I'm not giving up on the blog.  I'm just going to shift the time I post my updates.  Instead of posting my daily update at night, I'm going to start doing it in the afternoon.  So for example, tonight's update, will be posted on my blog on Wednesday around noon.  Make sense?

It works better for two reasons:

1) I'll actually be able to go to sleep early, like I had tasked myself to do.
2) If I don't get time in the afternoon to post the update, I'll still have the option to post at night and not miss my goal of blogging everyday.

I know all you night owls are disappointed, but sorry folks, it must be done.  Of course, this is not set in stone.  If I run into unanticipated issues with updating the blog in the afternoons, then I might switch to morning, or back to nights.  Who knows.  Lets just see how this goes for now.

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