Monday, June 4, 2012

T - 86 - New Grading System

I'm not off to a good start this week.  Once again my plan to workout in the evening at home didn't materialize.  This is precisely the reason why having my gym close to work is a great option. It forces me to workout right after I get off from work, preventing me from making up excuses once I'm home.  I'm not going to sound like a whiny baby and spoil your night.  So lets just say, I'm determined not to skip gym tomorrow.

Also, I've been thinking.  Keeping track of how I did each day with the checklist below is a good idea.  However, I don't exactly know how I did today, compared to yesterday or the day before etc.  To solve that problem, I've come up with a new grading system that I can use to grade myself each day.  Here is how its going to work.  For each task on my checklist, I get 1 point.  I'm going to split task 7 into 2 points, so I can round it out with an even 10 points.  So if I completed 7 out of the 10 tasks successfully, then I get a grade of 70%.  Simple enough.  This will help me graph my daily, weekly and monthly progress.  Hopefully it will also show me a trend of which days I'm having the most trouble with completing my tasks, so I can better prepare myself on those days.

Smart idea, right?  If only I was as good in execution as I am in planning, I'd be unstoppable.

Anyway, here is tonight's update.  Notice, I've rearranged the tasks so it flows better.  I plan to use this as a template going forward.

1. Wake up early - I did not wake up early. - 0 points.
2. Eat breakfast - Had an egg white veggie omelet again. I really need to find some new meal ideas. I'm starting to get bored with egg whites. - 1 point
3. Eat healthy snacks - I was out of nuts and raisins, so I had some light vegetable orzo soup instead. - 1 point
4. Drink more water - Needs improvement. - 0.5 points.
5. Spend 1 hour everyday being active - Failed on this one. - 0 points.
6. Eat a healthy dinner - I actually felt guilty for not working out, so I skipped dinner completely.  I'm not sure if that can be counted as healthy, but hey at least I didn't eat out at night like I normally do. -  1 point.
7. Watch less TV and sleep early - Watched a movie, and am going to sleep after I post this. - 2 points
8. Plan my day/week - Day is done, need to plan the rest of the week. Especially if I'm planning to eat 6 meals a day.  Came up with some pretty good idea today on how to stay on track with the diet. - 1 point.
9. Blog everyday - Done, an hour ahead of the usual time. - 1 point.

So my grade for today is 7.5/10 = 75%.  Not bad, I think.

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