Friday, June 15, 2012

T - 76 - The Guilty Parts

If you read my previous post, you know already know that my Thursday was a total blur.  So I'm going to skip the details here and not bore you to death.  Though the day was a blur, I do remember some parts very clearly.  The guilty parts.  I don't know about you, but when I'm on diet, the guilt is amplified.  Eat an extra French fry at lunch, feel guilty for 2 hours.  Go above my calorie amount for the day, starve the rest of the day. Skip a workout, stay up all night feeling guilty.

I'm sure you have an idea by now, how my day went.  I kinda knew that I was off my routine right from the beginning.  First of all, I just could not get out of bed in the morning.  I felt like there was a 500 pound bear sleeping on top of me.  My whole body was so heavy.  No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't move it.  By the time I was up, I was already running late to work.

When I did get to work, I was starving.  I knew that the usual egg white breakfast wasn't going to cut it it today.  So I ended up getting breakfast tacos, with sausage, peppers, eggs and cheese.  Oh yeah, the greasy good stuff.  I justified it by saying, hey its only breakfast.  I can limit my calories during lunch and dinner.  For lunch, I ate some roasted turkey with green beans and peas.  It was healthy, but I think ate too much, so it was not necessarily low in calories.

My motivation from earlier in the week seemed to have disappeared.  When I got off work, the 500 pound bear was back.  I couldn't bring myself to hit the gym.  The couch devil got me.  Damn!  There I was driving home and already feeling guilty, when to my horror the hunger was back.  Uh oh!  I knew I wasn't eating home tonight.  Since I had eaten a greasy breakfast, and a heavy lunch, I was determined to at least eat a healthy dinner.  That meant eating a salad.  So the wife and I went to Green Market Cafe.  One of the healthy eating joints that we know of.  I ordered a Southwest Salad, and was shocked to see that it was gigantic.  I ate some of it, but didn't finish it.  I was full, with guilt.

Overall, it was an average day.  In the end I was feeling better than expected because, I ate a salad for dinner and since I was well under my calorie limit for Tuesday and Wednesday, I felt going over the limit on Thursday would be forgiven.  I highly doubt I'll meet my weekly goal for this week.  We shall see I guess. 

Here is the update for Thursday June 14th 2012:

1. Wake up early - I blame the bear - 0 point(s).
2. Eat breakfast - I ate like a bear too  - 1 point(s)
3. Eat healthy snacks - No snack. - 0 point(s)
4. Drink more water - Done - 1 point(s)
5. Spend 1 hour everyday being active - The couch devil won - 0 point(s).
6. Eat a healthy dinner - Southwest Salad - 1 point(s).
7. Watch less TV and sleep early - Same as Wednesday. Watched a movie (Ghost Rider 2), and went to bed. - 2 point(s).
8. Plan my day/week - Fail - 0 point(s)
9. Blog everyday - Fail. - 0 point(s).

Total score: 5/10 - 50% - Now you know why I felt guilty most of the day.

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