Friday, May 25, 2012

The Dreaded Long Weekend

I've been dreading this long weekend ever since I started this journey.  Usually I look forward to time off, like every one else.  However, this time I'm more nervous than anything else.  Why?  Three reasons.

1) Diet - My wife is going out of town to visit her parents this weekend.  Though she has prepared some meals for me to survive the weekend without her, I do need to fend for myself some of time.  Translation - I'll be eating out at least once a day.  Having seen how much of a struggle it has been this past week, to make healthy choices while eating out, I'm dreading this the most.  Plus, my cheat day is also this weekend.  I'll have my cheat meal at lunch, though I haven't decided which day its going to be.  This weekend will be a great indicator of whether I will succeed in this 99 night challenge or not.

2) Exercise - As I've mentioned before, the gym I workout at is close to my work.  Since I won't be going to work over the long weekend, I'll need force myself to do it at home.  Cardio won't be a problem, but I'll have to come up with a way to include weight training as well. If you have any ideas on how to weight train without equipment, let me know.

3) Boredom - This is a biggie.  I'll probably have the toughest time with this.  The wife is not here, the friends are out for the long weekend, so I'll be stuck for the most part at home by myself.  When I'm bored, I tend to watch TV and that leads to unhealthy snacking, and other bad choices. 

To combat all these hurdles, I've come up with one simple plan and that plan is ... Video games.  That's right.  Its my secret weapon.  You see, unlike watching TV, which is a passive activity, video games keep me engaged.  When I'm playing games I don't think of anything else.  I don't snack. I don't get hungry. I barely even remember to eat.  I know that means, I may not get all my meals and healthy snacks in for the day, but to me that is better than the alternative.  In preparation, I've already rented Max Payne 3 and am looking forward to game time.

So here is the plan for this weekend, starting tonight.  Let me know what you think.

1. Workout in the evening.
2. Dinner will be either a protein shake or juice.
3. Post an update to my blog.

1. Make eggs for breakfast.
2. Wash my car or workout.  Either way I'll be burning a lot of calories.
3. Eat healthy for lunch or have my cheat meal.
4. Play video games.
5. Avoid dinner or have juice or milk.
6. Post an update to my blog.

1. Have cereal or eggs.
2. Clean the bathrooms at the house.
3. Have salad for lunch.
4. Play video games.
5. Avoid dinner or have juice or milk.
6. Post an update to my blog.

1. Have cereal or eggs.
2. Workout.
3. Eat healthy for lunch or have my cheat meal.
4. Play video games.
5. Avoid dinner or have juice or milk.
6. Post an update to my blog.

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