Tuesday, May 29, 2012

T - 91 - Long Weekend Recap

I know, I know.  I'm a day late on this update.  I went to pickup my wife from the airport last at night, and completely forgot to blog once I got back.  Oops!  I'll have to start keeping a reminder for this on the weekends.  Besides, I didn't do all that great with the goals yesterday, so that was probably another reason why I "forgot" to post the update.  Shame on me!

In any case. the dreaded long weekend is over.  I can't say I got through it unscathed, but I did better than expected.  If you read my previous, 'The Dreaded Long Weekend' post, you know I came up with a plan for each day of the weekend.  Let's she how I did.

1. Workout in the evening. - I came home early, but managed to make it happen.
2. Dinner will be either a protein shake or juice. - Had a protein shake
3. Post an update to my blog. - Posted early for a change.

1. Make eggs for breakfast. - Made a veggie omelette, myself.  Came out pretty good.
2. Wash my car or workout. - It was raining all weekend, so decided to workout instead.
3. Eat healthy for lunch or have my cheat meal.  - Had the cheat meal and it was yummy.
4. Play video games.- Played all night long.
5. Avoid dinner or have juice or milk. - Had a late lunch, so dinner was skipped.
6. Post an update to my blog. - Done.

1. Have cereal or eggs. - Missed this one, since I woke up late.
2. Clean the bathrooms at the house. - Done, and that was a workout.  So I didn't actually workout.
3. Have salad for lunch. - Had a Chipotle veggie burrito bowl.
4. Play video games. - I finished the game on Saturday, so I just watched TV.
5. Avoid dinner or have juice or milk. - I only had lunch.  Breakfast and Dinner were skipped.
6. Post an update to my blog. - Done.

1. Have cereal or eggs. - Started making an omlette, but ended up with scrambled eggs instead.  My cooking skills are AWESOME!
2. Workout. - I was cleaning the house all day and didn't have the energy/will to workout.  So I skipped it.  Darn.
3. Eat healthy for lunch or have my cheat meal. - Had a rice based meal. Hign on carbs, but low on fat.
4. Play video games. - Just TV.
5. Avoid dinner or have juice or milk. - Failed misserably on this one.  The rice meal I had for lunch didn't cut it.  So I ended up eating at Taco Bell at night.  Epic fail!
6. Post an update to my blog. - Failed, as you already know.

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