Thursday, May 31, 2012

Taking Control

I've decided to take full control of my calorie intake, and by that I mean knowing exactly how much calories I eat per day, and where it came from.  So far I've been just eating what I want, as long it seemed healthy.  I didn't count calories, carbs, fat etc.  Its only been a week or so and I've lost 4 lbs following this method, but I know sooner or later I'll need to start paying more attention to the counters mentioned above. 

So, I signed up for My Fitness Pal, after hearing good reviews about it.  I went back and entered what I ate since I started dieting and was shocked to see the numbers.  Even though I've been trying to eat 'healthy' and my calorie count is under what my goal is, my carb and fat intake was huge.  Almost 80% of my calories are either carbs or fat.  I'm sure most of it was the bad kind too.  Protein only makes up about 20% of my diet.  I had no idea it was that bad. 

If the numbers are this bad when I'm eating healthy, how bad was it when I was eating like a pig.  I don't even want to know.  The past is in the past, and now its time to take control of the present and change the future.  Who is with me?

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