Friday, May 25, 2012

T - 94 - The Payne Begins

I was off to a rocky start today, woke up late due to staying up late last night, but things improved as the day went on.  Had a good breakfast, a Greek egg white omelet.  Ate a vegetable wrap for lunch and came home early.  I had to work some more once I got home, but it did give me the opportunity to get right on my elliptical once I was done with work.  I was done with the workout, shower and dinner by 7:30PM.  It was great.

I also came up with a complete plan on how I'll spend this long weekend.  If all goes as planned, I'd be pretty proud of myself.  I don't plan on sleeping early this weekend though.  I want to stay up late and enjoy myself, but I do plan to wake up relatively early, like 10-ish so I can squeeze in breakfast.  The challenge with staying up late though, is trying not to give into unhealthy snacking late night.  I'm prepared for it.  I shall prevail.  Anyway, I'm posting this update a little earlier than usual, because I'm sure once I get started on Max Payne 3, I won't be stopping for a while.

So here is the update for tonight:
1. Spend 1 hour everyday being active - I spent an hour on my elliptical, though I didn't cardio the whole time.  Its was more like jogging, but I burned more calories than I had done before.  So I'm happy.
2. Spend less time watching TV - I won't be "watching" TV, but I will be in front of it playing games, so I guess you could call this a fail.  You know what though, I don't care. :)
3. Go to sleep and wake up early - Ain't happening tonight.
4. Eat breakfast - I doused the omelet with a little too much hot sauce.  It wasn't spicy, but the sodium content was probably a little too high.  Have to watch out for that next time.
5. Eat healthy snacks during the day - This didn't happen, especially since I left work early.
6. Eat a healthy dinner - Had a protein shake after workout. 
7. Drink more water - Not as good as yesterday, but not bad either.
8. Plan my day/week - Going as planned.  I'm searching for site where I can sign up and keep track of my food and workouts etc.  Let me know if you have one.
9. Blog everyday - Done. This is probably the ideal time I should be posting everyday, 8PM.  I'm going to try and make that happen during the week as well.

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