Sunday, May 27, 2012

T - 92 - Down 4 lbs!

I started the blog this time last week, and this has been the longest week I can remember in a long long while. When I started this, the goal was to loose 2.5lbs a week. Aggressive goal, I know, but I think it's doable. So far I've lost 4lbs, and that's with eating out 3 nights last week.

Now, I know there is no way I can keep up this rate of weight loss. Sooner or later it will slow down and plateau. I've got a couple of ideas on how to fix that problem when it happens.  I'll fill you in on that in a later post, but for now, I'm feeling pretty freaking awesome.

On a side note, I did not workout today. First day in a week where I didn't work out. Feels weird, even though that's what I had planned. I've got a lot of house, and yard work to do tomorrow as well, so I'm not sure if I can squeeze a work out in. The bigger question on my mind is, am I still on the wagon or off?  If I'm off, will I be able to get back on it once the work week starts?  We shall wait and see ...

Here is today's update:

1. Spend 1 hour everyday being active -  Skipped workout today as I had planned. I only ate one meal today, so I hope that makes up for the lack of exercise.
2. Spend less time watching TV - Not happening this long weekend.
3. Go to sleep and wake up early - Same as above.
4. Eat breakfast - Failed on this one, since I woke up too late.
5. Eat healthy snacks during the day - No snacking, which was an expected side effect of the gaming.
6. Eat a healthy dinner - Dinner was the only meal I had and tt was a veggie burrito bowl from Chipotle.  I suppose the sour cream in it doesn't qualify as healthy, but everything else does.
7. Drink more water - Did better than yesterday as promised.
8. Plan my day/week - I got this covered.
9. Blog everyday - Done, while watching TV might I add ;)

See you tomorrow!

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