Sunday, May 20, 2012


Hello and welcome to my blog - Next 99 Nights.  What is it about?  I'm glad you asked.  Its about attaining my goals, whatever they may be, 99 nights at a time.  Why 99 nights?  Before I can get into that, I'll need to give you a little bit of background about myself.

    I'm a 30, soon to be 31, year old male.  I've got (almost) everything a guy could ask for.  A good job, a fast car, a nice house and a beautiful wife who adores me.  You'd think will all these great things, I'd be pretty happy with my life, and I was, until recently. 

    You see, about a year ago, I started getting this feeling of dissatisfaction.  I guess you could even call it depression, but I feel that's too strong of a word, though some of the my symptoms are similar.  It usually starts in the evening.  I start feeling restless when I'm home and not doing something.  So my wife an I would decide to get out of the house, which usually means going out for dinner.  That leads to overeating, which in turn makes me feel lazy and lethargic, leading to excessive sleeping.  This has become a cycle that I can't seem to get out of.

    I don't know what brought this on really.  Maybe it was the fact that I hit the big 3-0 last year or the fact that my wife and I went through a failed pregnancy.  Either way, what started as a mild nuisance is turning into a major problem.  I've tried to get out of this rut before.  I've tried to exercise or find something else for us to do besides going out every night, but none of it worked.  I knew I had to do something, soon or I would be in even more trouble.

    As I was lamenting over this yesterday, I saw this headline on the Tampa Bay Times
"100 Days, Lots to Do".  The article was talking about the RNC convention in Tampa, but that got me thinking.  100 days.  Wouldn't it be great if I could turn my life around within that time?  Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could look back at today, a 100 days from now, and be proud of what I've accomplished?  As I was thinking more about it, I looked up what the exact date would be, 100 days from 5/19/2012 and I was totally shocked.  The date was August 27th.  My wedding anniversary.  That's when I realized, this is exactly what I needed to do. 
    It dawned on me that in the past, I failed because I didn't have a clear goal, a clear timeline or the correct motivation I needed to succeed.  So that's what I'm going to do here.  I'll choose a clear goal, give myself a fixed timeline and use this blog (and those of you reading it) as motivation to reach my goal.

    Now, back to the beginning.  Why 99 nights?  Its simple really.  I wanted to call the blog 100 days, but that and most other variations of that blog name was already taken.  So I choose Next 99 Nights instead.  It actually makes sense in my case, because most of my 'battles' with 'dissatisfaction' will happen at night, as well as my updates to this blog.  I'll post everyday and give you an update on my progress.  So come back daily and join me on my journey.  See you tomorrow!

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