Tuesday, May 29, 2012

T - 90 - Opposite of Exercise

I'm afraid my fears of falling off the wagon after the long weekend maybe coming true. I was supposed to workout today, but that did not happen.  Now that's 3 days in a row without having worked out.  I don't feel too guilty about not working on Sunday and Monday, because I did a lot of house maintenance work.  However, today, it was just pure laziness.

Came home and decided to go to California Pizza Kitchen for dinner, instead of working out.  I know, the exact opposite of what I should have been doing.  I almost didn't want to write this post tonight, because I was feeling so guilty, but I had to do it.  I didn't want one bad behavior to influence another.  It was a mistake and now I have to own up to it.

In any case, what could have a total disaster was partially averted, because instead of ordering a pizza I had the Thai Crunch salad (see picture).  Thank god they have great tasting salads.  If not, I would have come back home 10-lbs heavier.  I still feel guilty though, given the fact that I didn't work out.  I'm working on a better system to avert further dinner disasters.  I'll let you know when I have it figured out.  As a 'punishment' for skipping workout today, I plan to hit the gym tomorrow morning.  The last few times I tried that, I failed miserably, but I have to give it another shot.  Wish me luck!

Here is tonight's update:

1. Spend 1 hour everyday being active -  An epic fail!
2. Spend less time watching TV - Spent about an hour.
3. Go to sleep and wake up early - Not as early as I wanted to, but getting better.
4. Eat breakfast - 3 eggs scrambled, with hot sauce.
5. Eat healthy snacks during the day - Forgot to snack. Another fail.
6. Eat a healthy dinner - It was relatively healthy, but not good enough.
7. Drink more water - Done.
8. Plan my day/week - Need to plan dinner time better.
9. Blog everyday - Done with disappointment.

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