Monday, May 21, 2012

T - 98 Nights

T minus 98 nights to go.  Feeling pretty good tonight.  Not great, but good.  Accomplished most of what I wanted.  Started going to the gym close to work.  I figured if its close to work, I won't be able to use the excuse that its out of my way.  However, I'll have to rethink my workout schedule.  By the time I get to gym, start/finish working out, shower, get home and finish eating dinner its almost 9PM.  If I'm to accomplish task # 3 on my list, then I'm left with only an hour before I need to hit to bed.  So the plan is to start working out in the morning.  I'm not sure how successful I'd be, but its worth a try. Wish me luck!
On a side note, check out the temptation I had to resist on my way to the gym. Link.

Here is the update for today:
1. Spend 1 hour everyday being active - Planned to do cardio for an hour, but could only muster 40 minutes.  Spent the remaining 20 minutes lifting weights instead.
2. Spend less time watching TV - I'm catching up on Lost (yes the same Lost that I never watched while it was airing years ago) as I'm writing this.  I have just enough time to watch maybe two episodes.
3. Go to sleep and wake up early - I did manage to wake up early, at least early enough to eat breakfast.
4. Eat breakfast - Had a high fiber (aka tastes like crap) breakfast cereal.  I need to look up some better alternatives.
5. Eat healthy snacks during the day - Didn't really get to snack today.  Planning to take some nuts and raisins to work for snacking tomorrow.
6. Eat a healthy dinner - Had a protein shake after the workout.  Not my ideal choice, but it would have to do.
7. Drink more water - Did manage to drink more water.  Though it was harder than I thought.
8. Plan my day/week - Planned the day, the week still remains to be done.
9. Blog everyday - I did better than I expected.  Posted twice today.

Overall, a pretty good day.  A pretty good day indeed.

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